Intro screen of Vivaarium II

Vivaarium phase II

You can play through Vivaarium II here:

I programmed a web app that is both a playthrough of the show and a complex video player. It was based on the experiences and data gathered during Vivaarium I.
Concept for the app, design, architecture and development.
A continuation of the show that still has regular visits; and a translated version of the show that we could share with our international partners.

Vivaarium was an experiment trying to make sense of echo chambers - what they are, how they come to be, and what their effects on group behaviour can be. The "experiment" - 10 performances in January 2023 - ended, but we had a lot of data left.

In the new app, the user is in the role of an "auditor", who first takes the same quizzes and visits the same "humanity shop" and gets assigned a capsule - but then they control everything about the show, and are asked to assess the captains' (actors') performances.

The interface provided controls to select chapter, see the data of everyone in the capsule, and switch capsules.

Poster for Vivaarium.
Screenshots of statistics page showing pie chartsScreenshot of results screen
Next: Ongoing production - Haihtuv Tallinn