Designer with a programmer's background
Extensive experience with front-end engineering and UX/UI prototyping in Figma, both as a one-woman-development-agency and as a team player, gives me several advantages.
In addition to this, I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Interaction Design at the Estonian Academy of Art to increase my understanding of other design disciplines and research.
I create realistic and implementable designs.
Handoff and communication is streamlined because I can wear both hats.
And approaching problems from both sides is rewarding and exciting!
I see many projects from the very beginning to the very end.
Emotional design in digitised plant care
Celebrating new blooms and reframing plant deaths as achievements
Both wins and failures provide opportunities to encourage users in both their plant-related and personal journeys.
How might we use this to increase wellbeing of users?
Digital theatre outdoors [in progress]
App used by the audience and the actors
[This app is currently under development and the case study has limited content. The project will end by June.]